Hello P...Here's Smile Carpet Cleaning, based in Manchester.Quick video here to say thank you to Daisy! Carpet Cleaning
For helping me with my AdWords campaign,as with most of us set off doing it myself and got some reasonable results.Quite happy with them.Daisy came along, made some suggestions, made some changes.I asked her then to take over the star management for me.She's now been managing them for thepast six months for me .
To give you some feedback for last month.It worked out for every pound that I spent on AdWords,with all five pounds back.So you apply the mass there yourself.You spend a hundred pounds you get 500 pounds back and a thousand pounds in 5,000 pounds back.
That's been reasonably consistent that for the past three months from Daisy.We have now upped our budget as I can see that we need to start spending more online,as that's where our customers seem to be hanging out,andhopefully that's going to move forwardwith the with the help layer of DaisyYeah! That's it thank you very much and,look forward to working with you going forward.Thanks!
Sources of article:
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